Okay, here goes!

Good afternoon all who enter, and welcome to Who Hid the Donuts? (part deux).  Yes, it's part deux because my first blog was created in 2008 when I got gastric lap band surgery.  Although it worked for me to a point, I didn't rock it like some others did.  My high of about 290 was reduced to a constant between 225 and 235 (full disclosure:  I am actively looking into having the band removed).  

However, late last year, I found this fantastic program called Optavia!  I began it the day after Christmas and was on it until the lockdown, where I not only fell off the wagon, it ran me over, backed up, caught fire, and hit me again.  I gained all but 2 of the 28 pounds I had lost.  I started again on August 24th, so as of today's post, I'm just shy of 12 weeks and 28.6 pounds down (my official weigh-ins are on Mondays).

But almost more than the pounds is the INCHES!  So far, I've lost 54 inches in almost 12 weeks, my largest losses being lower chest (below the breast), waist, and abs (5 inches each), bust (5.25 inches), and hips (6.5 inches)!!

I will take some current pics soon, but these were at my 9-week mark.

I don't feel deprived, and unlike the band, I don't almost feel strangled while eating.  The coaches are great, and I love that part of it so much that I will be working diligently to begin coaching, too!  That's how much I believe in this program!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and I hope to share some great recipes, ideas, and musings with all of you.


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