Shopping in the closet

This weekend was spent purging clothes that no longer fit (I finally gave up the ghost) and replacing them with ones that do!  Gone are the 18/20s, replaced with very comfortable 16s and XL shirts instead of 1X or 2X!  I also hit the Salvation Army (a big one on the edge of a ritzier area, so their stuff is nicer) and got a few things as well.  Little did I know that I really didn't need to as I had a lot of 16s from before, but since they were only a few dollars each, I'll keep them.

Today was spent sorting and washing everything, five loads' worth.  Virtually my entire wardrobe has been replaced, and I can hardly wait to wear all my "new" stuff!  I had previously bought a lot of stuff at Goodwill and the Salvation Army many years ago, so I also have some 14s and 12s waiting in the wings (the last time I lost, I was in loose 16s but not yet 14s).

This is SO exciting!!


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